Small Town America Pattern & My Thoughts

Categories: BlogBy Published On: December 26, 201933.1 min read726 words2 Comments on Small Town America Pattern & My Thoughts

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas.

Things were kind of quiet around here. We did get together and today one of my sons is driving over to stay a few nights. Our holiday is extended a bit.  Our oldest son proposed to his girlfriend on Christmas.  Another wedding is in our future. That’s a nice surprise.

It was actually a good thing things were quiet. I kind of think I got a little over exhausted or maybe I had caught a little bug or something. But I haven’t been feeling all that great.  Christmas day, I pretty much slept most of the day. I was watching Netflix and came in and out of consciousness. Until about 3 ish. then I got up made dinner and then we went to a movie. I saw the new Little Women. I read the books when I was young, I have always been a fan. I have watched all of the movies as they have come out. This version they tried to put a new modern spin on it and make it a part of the feminist movement, I wasn’t a big fan.  The scenery was beautiful, the costumes, the acting were all good…but I think I will stick to the other versions, personally.

Things are moving along here. I am trying to finish a few more things before the end of the year. Rob is home on vacation, finally.  I am pondering the end of the year, end of a decade, my anniversary is coming up.  Rob and I will be celebrating 17 years together. Some days that seems longer…other days it doesn’t seem long at all. But we are more on the same page then we ever have been. It’s funny the twists and turns that our lives have taken. But I am so glad that I get to live life with him. He is funny, works really hard to support us, will defend us to the end and he loves us.

I released a new pattern called “Small Town America”

When I moved to this small town, I struggled. I was always plotting my escape. I had to accept the 5 stages of grief after moving here. Acceptance was realizing that it was a good place to raise my children and I wasn’t going to be able to actually leave until they were finished with school. LOL. I loved living in the city. Now I can’t imagine living in the city. I really like small town life. I like seeing familiar faces. I like the values and traditions in a small town. I love the traffic in a small town. Getting through traffic in the city is horrendous. I don’t think I want to suffer through that daily. There are always trade offs. But now when I leave this small town eventually it will be for another small town… will just be a prettier small town. I truly hate the desert and not having trees. I have grown up and lived with trees my whole life…..I come here and it’s brown and desolate. It feels that way anyway. haha!

My Small Town America Pattern offers 2 sizes. 96×96 or 48×48. There is also 3 centers to choose from: Barn, Pinwheel or Flag. Its all traditional piecing except there are is one section on the barn that has foundations.

My barn sample was made using a line called “Walk About” by Moda. My larger version was made with scraps from 2-3 Moda  lines and my stash. These are great for scraps to give it that scrappy country type vibe. I custom quilted the barn. Rob quilted the pinwheel version with Baptist fans to give it that comfortable, traditional feel.

I know that many of my patterns have been modern and colorful lately. But I think it’s a funny thing that I love so many styles, fabrics and quilts. I am all over the place because when I see these quilts, I just adore them. I think that these do reflect a piece of my heart and  it’s difficult for me to be locked into one certain style.

Small Town America is listed in my Etsy Shop, HERE. 

IF you use code:STA20 you get 20% off until Jan 1st. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Many Blessings as we end this chapter.





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  1. susie April 30, 2023 at 10:39 am - Reply

    help. can you give me the dimensions for the flying geese? I don’t see any details for cutting the larger squares

  2. Judy June 29, 2023 at 1:34 pm - Reply

    I came here to ask that exact same questuon

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