Clarissa’s First Quilt

Categories: All-Over Designs, Childrens quilts, UncategorizedBy Published On: April 22, 201212.4 min read263 words3 Comments on Clarissa’s First Quilt

Clarissa finally quilted her first quilt. She had to wait for me to have an open machine and for her to have plenty of time to be “creative”. I have to say I cringed a few times while she was quilting…but I had to let it go because she is a little girl… I can’t take over. It  is her quilt her project and I want her to be proud of it….and to be her own creation. She will have plenty of time to become a perfectionist and see “order”….she will only be a little girl once. So I can let it go.

She had to include a few images and words that were really important to her..”love”…”God” a cross…and a dog. She said it was “Freddie” Brianna’s dog because he had a bump on his head. { I kind of had to chuckle at that} She also quilted some flowers, hearts and stars…..loops..lines and whatever else.  She was critical of herself…but I assured her everything was good and fine. I think it’s beautiful.

We called Brianna and {begged} asked her sweetly if she would turn the binding from the back to the top of the quilt for us….I can’t do doesn’t turn out nice…She kindly said she would..otherwise it would be the big green polka dot cotton fabric..and Clarissa really wanted minkee binding. So Clarissa’s quilt is done….and it’s finished. I think we are going to put it in the quilt show…they have a youth category.

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  1. Teresa S. Lowery April 22, 2012 at 1:53 pm - Reply

    Clarissa is a little you…she looks so sweet and so into her quilt….I love her top and her quilting is perfect…You have so much to be thankful for…and of course to be proud of.

  2. Donna Hodgson April 22, 2012 at 2:38 pm - Reply

    Nice quilt. Looks familiar. ;)

  3. Wow Clarissa — it is such a cute quilt—and I think you can quilt better than I can.

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