Chain of Faith

Categories: Feathers, Jelly Rolls, Scrappy, Scrappy QuiltsBy Published On: June 1, 201218.2 min read386 words5 Comments on Chain of Faith

Well as you all know ……I am a Christian…..and when the Moda bakeshop posted this quilt pattern (free)…I knew I would make it…cause anything with the word “Faith”…usually catches my attention. I wanted to name my youngest daughter Faith…but I lost the bet when I was pregnant and Rob got to name her….so instead of Faith we got Clarissa….that’s ok..she’s a keeper! :)   Either way!

But then Tisha sent me her Chain of Faith last summer for LAQ. Then Jo Kramer posted that quilt on her blog (Jo is the pattern designer for Moda)….and I just knew those “Blush” jelly rolls, by Basic Grey, that I have been hoarding had a new purpose….Chain of Faith. Per usual I don’t have much Donna….my dear friend. She said she would piece it for me…Can I just say how much she saves my behind all the time? She is a FABULOUS and precision piecer…and I know it will turn out perfect. I quilt for her in trade… it works out good for both of us.

I gave her all the fabrics and after piecing it ….I thought maybe I should have taken out the red strips because they compete to much with the chain…so I thought I could quilt it so that the chain would take center stage….. I was struggling with how to do that……I opted for big spiral flowers in the centers of the chain pattern. Continuous curves in the chain…..I didn’t want a bunch of half flowers along the edges…so I quilted a swril design to frame everything in….and put a double feather in the outer border….I have been hoarding this fabric since it came out….and I have lots more..I have been buying it lately cause it’s on sale everywhere..LOL. As if I don’t have enough…but it’s one of my favorites. In the end I am so glad I have another quilt finished and not sitting in a bin…..and I love this one so much…it may end up on my bed…..Hmmmm. It actually fits better than the one I have on there now….so After the show in a few weeks…it may already have a home. :)


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  1. Karin June 1, 2012 at 6:46 am - Reply

    It’s amazing to me how your eye “sees” the patterns that aren’t there! Like those big loopy flowers, with the spirals in the center – they are my FAVORITE parts! And yet, when you stand back, and show the whole quilt, they disappear & it looks totally different – I just see little squares pieced together!

    I still have your scraps, and little by little, I’m gettin’ ’em together, never fear! Just can’t get to them as often as I’d like, I’m so sorry. I hope you’re not too disappointed that it’s taking me so long!!

  2. Harmony June 1, 2012 at 11:08 am - Reply

    Beautiful! This is on my to do list!!

  3. Donna Hodgson June 2, 2012 at 8:13 am - Reply

    WOWser…what you did with that quilt is amazing! Thanks for the kind words. I remember this one. :)

  4. Jo's Country Junction June 5, 2012 at 8:38 pm - Reply

    WOW…I totally love it! The colors are wonderful. The quilting is even more amazing. If you don’t mind, I’d love to post pictures on my blog. Readers love to see quilts in other colors..and love to see such amazing quilting.

    • Charisma Horton June 5, 2012 at 9:43 pm - Reply

      Hi Jo!
      Thanks so much! I would appreciate that very much!

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