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Alaska Cruise 2025….Anyone?

Hi everybody! I am in Newport, OR for a few days doing a guild visit. It's a nice coastal town and I am enjoying lots of seafood. I found out that enrollment has officially opened [...]

A Grand Adventure August 2024

On Jan 1 we celebrated Christmas with our family. It is our wedding anniversary, and we decided a few years ago that it would be better to just celebrate on that day so we [...]

Newsletter link Correction

HI everybody! I am so sorry there were some technical difficulties with the link I had for the newsletter sign up. I am learning all of the things. I have corrected the link in the [...]

Big Idea —Free Pattern

Hi everyone! I wanted to share a *FREE Pattern* that I am gifting to subscribers of my Newsletter. All you have to do is click on the pop up box that says "Join my [...]