I have NEWS!!
I am so happy to announce that I am partnering with HANDIQUILTER!!
The first machine has arrived and the other 2 are on the way!
I started this journey in 2010 with one simple machine. A simple goal of just paying for my kids sports and shoes. A BIG DREAM in the back of my head of being an artist.
I had no idea where any of it would lead and now I am partnering with a major company!! YAHOO!!
I will say that none of this happened by accident. I work really hard. I work more than most people and I try really hard to do the best that I can to form good relationships. But I also try to meet all of my deadlines, follow through on everything and stick to all of the typical business principles.
I also suffer with a lot of issues that everyone else does: doubt, confidence, and anxiety.
I have been struggling with this decision for a long time and I would have probably just kept going on with the status quo. But there was this like 3 day period of the most perfect storm and perfect timing…it seems unimaginable. But I was having an issue with something…that nobody knew about. I went to Garden of Quilts in SLC and I had a few moments to talk with Jenny Doan at a dinner. You know she is a very busy woman. I hardly ever go out of my way to talk to her at these events because I know she is so incredibly busy. But I wanted to wish her well on her up coming mission trip. I knew I would not be seeing her for a few years. During this talk she basically lifted me up and told me that I needed to start asking for things. She said that she believed in me and that this was just the beginning for me. I looked at her and told her my fears and doubts and she assured me there was no reason for me to give into that. I left the meeting and when I had a moment to think about it I started crying.
Well the next day oddly enough I had this explosion of the issue that I was having while at an airport. LOL! Of course! so I decided to figure out a plan of action. I wrote a few posts on social media. I started reading and looking up information on machines.
I wanted to approach a company and pitch for a deal. This is so scary! I have worked for every single thing in my life. I have built everything in my business by hard work….seriously. Work has been my life for YEARS!!
I read so many comments and looked at different companies and Rob and I thought HandiQuilter looked like the company that we wanted to approach. I wanted a company that cared about customer service. I read so many comments from people that I knew and didn’t know. Things in groups and there is no other honest group of people that are in guild workshops and retreats talking about their experiences. Anybody who was frustrated with an issue or had issues with a HQ machine were always impressed with the customer service that they received from the company. They always felt happy in the end.
I wanted to work with that company.
Then I contacted some prolific quilters that I know that use these machines to ask if they were hardy. Could they handle the work load that I put them through and they all gave a resounding yes. ( The company has also assured me of that as well)
I seriously went down my list asking several people who have had these machines for their business’ and made sure I was confident.
I have a friend in the quilty business who knows everyone, Tracy Mooney. She said she would help get me in contact with the CEO of any company that I wanted to approach.
She did.
I made the pitch of my life. This was the biggest pitch and a HUGE ask. (I wanted to puke after hitting the send button…but I made myself pray instead)
I got a 2 word response.
Thank You.
That was it for several days.
I didn’t know what that meant. LOL!
I just waited.
long story short. Several emails, zoom meetings and an interview at quilt market and I got the deal! (this was over several weeks/months)
I have now dubbed Jenny Doan my “Quilty Fairy Godmother” as she just gave me the pep talk to believe in myself and start asking for what I wanted.
Tracy Mooney has always believed in me since the beginning of this design journey and has always offered to help me when possible. These relationships are so valuable and I am always happy to help in return when they need something.
I didn’t know what I didn’t know when I started this journey. I didn’t know how important all the relationships would be. I just naturally like people and want to be on a team.
I now have so many cheerleaders and good people in my corner it is so uplifting and it does make me believe in myself just a little bit more.
Part of the contract negotiations that I wanted was for Rob to get their tech training. Rob flew to SLC a few weeks ago and he went through their training program and he seems to have a good understanding of how everything works. YAHOO! He has been my mechanic for the machines that I currently have and that was “on-the-job-training.” Now he can do the regular maintenance and any repairs while I am traveling and work it around my schedule as much as possible. There are perks to having him around. :)
We will be spending the next several weeks taking down machines delivering them to the new owners (I still have one left to sell), putting up the new ones and then learning the software. I am super excited to see all of these new machines in my studio. I feel such a sense of gratitude, accomplishment and relief. Relief because I feel so secure knowing that I have a good company behind me. It makes such a big difference to a quilter.
I wanted to give you all notice that in the month of March I will be offering 25% off edge to edge quilting while I am learning the software. JUST BE AWARE THAT THERE COULD BE FLAWS AND FLUBS on those discounted quilts as I am learning. my strong suit isn’t being tech savvy and I know I am going to have issues. But I am hoping that with a bunch of practice quilts I will be able to work out those kinks while also helping you whittle down your piles for a discount. deal?
I have a full heart on this first day of February. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Be Blessed
Congrats! You went after something you wanted, & you got it …and that is a big deal! I’m very happy for you! I have followed you for the past several years but am still fairly new to quilting…but you have been an inspiration to me! You don’t know me but I did come to your open house in Aug of 2023… I was blown away to see all you had done… it was amazing! You have really done well in this world of quilting, fabric, long arm, & hand embroidery . You should really be proud of all your accomplishments! Question, what made you seek out Handi Quilter? What will you be doing for them? As a novice quilter I can’t tell if Handi Quilter is the same as a long arm or if it does more? Anyway it is always wonderful to hear what you are up to!! Thanks for sharing!!
I’m so very proud of you, Charisma! Of course you could do it. You always could. You just needed that little convergence of events: timing, Jenny’s conversation with you, and just saying YES. You are successful. You know what to do. Go forth and do it!
Big, hearty congratulations!! You deserve and have earned every bit of good that comes your way. After seeing your work on my first quilts, I do badly wanted to emulate you!!! When we decided to get off the road and buy another house, we found one with a room big enough to house a longarm. I did several test drives of different brands, and I, too, like HandiQuilter the best. I have had a couple issues (motherboard) and timing (purely my fault, having run over a pin), and both to es, the techs on the phone have been simply outstanding in knowledge, compassion and patience!! You will be happy with how easy the machine is to run. I don’t have ProStitcher, but HQ has excellent videos and classes. Good luck in you new adventure!!!
Congratulations on your new venture!!! I was so happy to read your fantastic news!!
I am so happy for you and look forward to hearing about your new machines. I plan to use your March discount on a few of my quilt tops! Congratulations, you deserve it.
Congratulations! Your work is beautiful and I am so happy for your success. You go sista.