The winners of the Auction quilt is Ron and Kristi Goodman~ Thank you for your generous donation!
The winner of the cross quilt is Ted Mack ~ it was hilarious because when Ted found out he was the winner..he did a happy dance in front of the congregation.
I also want to announce that the funds I needed for my trip are raised! YAHOO! I knew the rest of the funds would come from the quilts….I just want to say a GREAT BIG THANK-YOU to all of you! Without you I would’t have gotten the funds…and I am so grateful you listened when God told you to help me out!
I have about 9 weeks left.
I have all of my affairs in order…..which is always a funny thing to think about….my family knows how much I love them…that I am OK with whatever God’s will is….I think that is hard for some to swallow. But I am good!
Many Blessings!