What Type of Quilter Are You?

Categories: BlogBy Published On: September 29, 201724.6 min read541 words0 Comments on What Type of Quilter Are You?

Recently I was with a few girlfriends..we traveled to a Modern quilt retreat for the weekend in Northern Idaho. It was a great time. I didn’t work on anything very modern ..but I did finish 2 quilt tops..so I consider that a success. Especially, considering those kits have been sitting in my stash for quite some time.:)

Anyway, on our way home we were discussing a few things.  The first question asked was How would you categorize yourself as a quilter as far as beginner, intermediate or advanced? I labeled myself as intermediate. I think my mates were a bit shocked at that? I think that I might be good in some areas…but I am needing in help in other areas…I always have something to learn..so can I really label myself as advanced? If you stick me in front of needle turn applique..it’s going to look like a beginner did it…if you put me on a longarm it’s going to look like a professional did it…hopefully. So I just want to give myself the middle of the road label and cover my bases. That is so me.

Then we started talking about style. How would you label your own style of quilting?

This stumps me. I could easily go around an label my mates..and they have a very specific style….but I couldn’t not label myself. I am not a “one trick pony.”

I dabble in all styles. I think there is a re-occurring thing that will grab me in my favorite pieces.  One is meaning. I love when something has meaning or it tells a story. So some people would say the story needs to be able to tell itself when someone looks at it…and that may be true in some cases. But isn’t that subjective? All art is subjective. For instance my quote quilt…..unless people were following along….someone looking at that quilt from the outside will not know why I chose the song I chose..the memory associated with the various quotes or the meaning behind certain things…and that doesn’t matter to me. what matters to me is that it has special meaning to me. Or that some of that fabric came from my grandma….or this or that. It just has meaning.

The other thing for me..is that I rarely have what some people would consider order,  a place for the eye to rest or silence. If I am working from my head….I think I have the “more is more” philosophy. More color, more texture…more-more-more. My head is full constantly and I don’t have places of rest..so I think that is just a reflection of me…and how I need to be stimulated. I try to be a minimalist sometimes and it doesn’t work for me…it’s not natural for me.

So what is my style? Meaningful and more is more…that’s all I could come up with. LOL NO RULES!!

So if you think about this…who would you describe yourself an what level would you rate yourself? Can you look at some of the famous designers and label their styles? I woudl love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks! Charisma


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