
Categories: UncategorizedBy Published On: September 29, 201225.9 min read569 words0 Comments on Updates

Well I hate that I have started getting into this bad habit of neglecting computer work…Then I put on several posts in one day. I need to get back to my old self about this. Sorry.

I have several more pics to post…cause I have been quilting all week. I am working really hard so I can take a few days off this next week and quilt up some new samples to hang in my next booth at MQX….yes MQX! I am so excited to go…finally!  Even though I am working, I know I will be inspired and hopefully learn a few new things.

I finally finished a modern quilt today. Having a hard time with photos..will try to get some more tomorrow and post it. It’s my own quilt. I took a bunch ( 12) of my pink& brown swap blocks from years ago and made my own setting…..trying to mix modern and traditional. It’s been pinned on my frame for 6 weeks? yeah….I know.  Victoria came over today to quilt a few template quilts…so I worked on  it….and I had thread tension issues..ugh! had to rip out…thank goodness it’s my own. I also pieced several quilts…hoping to get them quilted….so I can get them bound for the show. I made two more  wholecloth ( cheater) quilts. I also took one of my vintage table cloths and made it into a  quilt …I am in love with it already. I want to do some heirloom type quilting. I have a bunch of them…and I chose a festive type one ….I am having a hard time actually using them in quilts..even though that’s why I have them> LOL

I also finished up a small wall-hanging for the shop. we had a little challenge piece that we had to make…with a pattern ( this will be my pattern debut..hehe) It’s super cute. So I need to quilt it.

So even though I have been bad about answering emails, posting and what not..I have been working my tail off…between customer quilting and preparing new booth samples. I have a feeling this next couple of weeks before Haiti is just going to fly by between all the work I have going. I am excited. I can’t wait to share it all with you.

My mind has also been racing. My pastor asked me to give testimony this Sunday. I dislike giving testimony. It’s one thing to type all my random thoughts here and talk about my life. It’s another to go in front of a congregation and talk about it. It’s geared towards a certain theme…missionary work. But it’s still difficult for me to speak in public. I am not very good at it. But this is like the 4th time he has asked me to do it…so I think I am supposed to.     I have typed it out and read it a couple times. So my mind is just full. The devil is the author of fear..so I just need to do it..and get it over with. I am sure that will be a relief in it of itself …..then my mind can focus on quilting again. Pray for me…please.

well It’s late..I should wrap up. I hope you all have a blessed Sunday!






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