Tuesday Jan 24th 2012
No Great title came to mind for today..so it’s gets a date ..that is now almost history.
I have recieved much feedback about not leaving negative feedback for the person who scammed me. But Honestly, those thinsg are kind of like locks on doors they only keep honest people honest..KWIM? She can just get a new name-email and sign in as a new user. She hasn’t been active on the form since the week she recieved her quilt..so it doesn’t really matter. I do believe there are more good apples than bad. I will just go on and know not to work with her again..and from now on I will be more johnny on the spot when something goes wrong.
I went to Zumba today. I did a little bit better than I did last week..but I am still saying this “White girl CANNOT dance” LOL. I just do my best to keep moving so that I know I am getting a work out. Other than that that is the best I can do. Cindi didn’t make itthis time..but my friend Donna did and she is always good for a laugh along with her running commentary she makes funny faces…I had to limit myself otherwise I would be way MORE behind than I already was. LOL
Clarissa had ballet today…no other kdis had any activities…Bryce wanted to go watch the wrestling match..but bad grades means = no wrestling match.
I am working on a quilt of my own along with a few smaller ones from here..and some shop quilts. The one I am working on now..I am trying some new things and I am hoping that once I get it off the frame it will be moree appealing to me..That happens sometimes.
Beth dropped off quilts today, I was so excited to see some of them again. It feels so good to have some stuff finished.
I stayed within my calorie budget today…what do you know it was a routine day..all kids were in school Dh was at work and I was able to accomplish that??
Well I should get back to work..I need to have my own quilt off the frame by friday ..Sabrina is coming over to quilt with me YAY!
Have a greatNight!
OMGosh….that zumba was F.U.N.!!! I loved it. Can’t wait for tomorrow. See you there dancin’ g/f! :)