Hi friends!
well today I worked at the shop doing an Innova training. I forget what it’s like to go to the shop everyday..I was beat by the time 4 o’clock came around..and it’s not like I was doing strenuous work? who knows. I haven’t been sleeping well. I came home in time to run errands, eat dinner & go to Zumba.
So I got news yesterday….The LQS owner asked me to be the “featured” quilter in our local quilt show. I have to say {believe it or not} I don’t really like being the center of attention and it will be nerve wracking for me….but I negotiated a deal with her..if she would help me gain funds for my mission trip…Like have a raffle quilt with proceeds to go to my trip..I already have the perfect quilt for it…a cross quilt. I am also going to sell a bunch of quilts…I have a ton of kid quilts and scrappy type quilts I can quilt up and sell.
So if any of you would be willing to help me I would be ever so grateful! If you have quilt tops to donate….full quilts …anything I would get them finished and sell them….all proceeds go to the mission field. I spoke with my boys today and they are more than willing to help me out by quilting them…and I will ask some of my friends to help me bind {maybe}.Just contact me at ch******@ch*************.com. I could even use some quilters probably just because I willbe swamped trying to get show quilts done..so if anyone needs practice or all over design type quilts I will have plenty…I think. I don’t want anyone to feel obligated in any way…I just thought I would ask..thank you for taking the time to read this.
If you happen to be in the area…I will be at the quilt show third weekend in June talking and meeting people..with many of my own quilts displayed…I will also have my own quilts that were quilted by Darby & Jane there…My Lovely Quilting gals! I will also have my needle turn applique quilts quilted and displayed. {those were made by Emmy & Tisha} I will give credit where credit is due! For sure! I also have quilts from the scrappy trades…Yahoo!
Anyway now I feel like I need to finish all of my quilts so I can have a diverse display for the show. It will be a way to let local people know I actually quilt….and they can see my work.
So no other news……life is truckin along and I am going full speed ahead…per usual:)
Hi C,
I would love to buy one of your quilts…..maybe a lap quilt we had to buy a new car and no I have this payment and my funds are somewhat limited…..So if you could send me pictures of some you have…even if you aren’t happy with one I might like it.Just list what you would want for it. I will also how pics to th ladies at church…they might be interested also. Good luck Huggs Judy