Spring Time at Ross

Categories: UncategorizedBy Published On: January 11, 201222.6 min read489 words9 Comments on Spring Time at Ross

Spring time at Ross….

LOL. Well the background behind this quilt….

Lori S and I have worked on a few projects together…I know she is a fabulous quilter/piecer…She also has a fabric addiction…. we like lots of the same designers….Like attract like.

So the first time I sent out boxes of scraps to have quilt tops made she asked for a box..I jumped at that….this is the top she made. I posted it when it arrived in December. I have had it hanging on my wall until Christmas day.
Studying it and trying to decide the best way to quilt it. I just LOVE it so much…when I love something so much I am in fear of quilting it…if it’s my own. I don’t know why. But I loved it so much I didn’t want it sitting around for two years waiting for me to decide. It finally hit me last week. On Jan First I went to a sale at my LQS and found this backing fabric which was perfect for it…4$ a yard I might add.
So I had everything ready…but quilts pinned on both of my machines..so I had to wait..I am so impatient sometimes. Finally I was able to get this on and finish it. I am so happy with it.

Anyway the name came from Sally. HA! See Sally went on this shopping …….experience, with me and Sabrina. Sabrina and I LOVE to shop and we love digging through things to find the perfect item. Life is about experiences right? Well Sally despises Ross ( the department store ..you know dress for less?)…because you have to dig and shop through a mess of everything. I find pleasure in that. Sabrina and I love all the same colors too. Bright happy colors…Sally likes calming colors like blue and green. Sally looks at all of my work and thinks I need to tame it down….but after she sees the finished product she usually likes it..( HAHAHAHA!) I am converting her. The funny thing is that when I see her work I love her work too. Sally thinks there always needs to be a place for your eye to rest…HUH? That doesn’t compute? When this quilt arrived Sabrina and I were quilting and I pulled it out…I am pretty sure I squealed..if I didn’t Sabrina did..we both loved it! Sally stopped by shortly after to visit….I said ..Sally look at this isn’t it great?…She tried in her english accent to be polite and say….For you…yes it is great. LOL. No matter how she tries to disguise her dis-like it doesn’t work..she is just way to honest….She said “It looks like Springtime at Ross”…LOL
the name has stuck..because I happen to love spring colors and shopping at Ross….Thanks Sally! I love you!

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  1. Judy January 11, 2012 at 6:10 pm - Reply

    I love the quilt top and your quilting is beautiful. One thing that amazes me about you is how fast you complete quilting tops with such elaborate, beautiful designs.

    • Charisma Horton January 11, 2012 at 6:59 pm - Reply

      Hi Judy,
      Thanks. It’s my full-time job. So I am in my studio all the time.

  2. Tisha January 11, 2012 at 8:02 pm - Reply

    wow how amazingly beautiful…its awesome how she pieced it and you added your touch to it with your spectacular quilitng once again a beautiful job

  3. Sally January 11, 2012 at 8:06 pm - Reply

    What can I say!!! You did it proud. Yes, even boring old me loves it now…see what you are doing to me lol! I’m at home with a stinkin’ cold otherwise I’d be over to let my “eyes” find a resting place!!!

    • Charisma Horton January 11, 2012 at 10:23 pm - Reply

      Hi Sally,
      I am so glad I did it proud! LOL Beth is coming at 8 am to pick it up for binding..in true charisma fashion it is getting bias stripes…that ought to set it off nicely.
      I am sorry you have a cold…that stinks…but I had it last week…so I understand. I hope you get better fast!
      Love ya

      • Sally January 11, 2012 at 11:13 pm - Reply

        ha..so I can blame you for my cold!! :D

  4. Teresa S. Lowery January 12, 2012 at 10:15 am - Reply

    WOW!!!! I LOVE IT….. gonna just send money for you to double shop on your next trip…love all of your fabrics!Hugs T

  5. Karin January 12, 2012 at 11:16 pm - Reply

    I’m with Sally on the despise Ross thing – for all the same reasons! And now I’m scared! I’m not sure I can measure up to such piecing as this, but I’ll sure give it a go! I have a plan, I hope you included half light, half dark in my box! :) And seeing that you liked this one, I’m pretty sure you’ll like what I have in mind – I just hope I can pull it off!

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