
I love a good scrappy quilt. As you all know. Sometimes I do planned scrappies. Sometimes they are improv. This is an improv scrappy. I made a fabulous quilt called Fan Faire ( it is not yet….yeah) by Krista Moser. Well when you make that quilt you have lots of scraps. It’s weird angle cuts ect so there is all of this EXTRA. I just couldn’t let that stuff go.

So I just started putting everything together improv style and let everything land wherever it was going to land. I added some background scraps as well.

I also put it on the computerized machine and tried out a design I had never used before to see how it stitched out. I like to test out designs on some of my own quilts to see how it all works out.

I also put a really thick minky on the back because it’s a lap size quilt and it’s going to be used for comfort on the couch…it needs to be cozy.
I also had another scrappy quilt that was made using the cut-offs from other blocks.

You can see that in both of these quilts I have used the text fabric. I bought a ton of this extra wide fabric to use on the back of quilts. I really-really loved it. There’s a couple of fabrics that I re-buy…because I love them so much.

I just randomly put this together as well. It was fun & easy.

Again I tested another digital design. I am pretty happy with both of these quilts. I think I just honestly love all of the colors & fabrics. Scrappies are the best!!
What is your favorite type of scrappy quilt? I am thinking of designing a few because I need to make some …and what better excuse?
Blessings for all of you today!
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Very cheerful, I love the colors, so vibrant! Nice!