My Loot
From the Northwest Quilt Expo!
YAY! I have to say I am usually pretty good about shopping at the shows….I try to get things I cant get in town. But There was this fabulous booth and I spent lots of time talking to one of the designers..who was a super nice guy! Here is the site: Metropolitan Quilt.
I was in love….even in their booth WHITE…yes WHITE shag rug. Very Metro! I was going to go buy another kit…changed my mind. But I am going to buy a few more of their patterns. Fabric designers send them their fabrics and then they design a pattern around the theme of the fabric..which is something we all do..right? I am always inspired by fabric. I bought this kit here. Along with all of these:
I want to have this quilt finished for my next booth at MQX…..I actually have 4 new ones lined up for MQX…hopefully I can make that a reality. I chose this fabric for my background..
I fell in love with this piece of fabric and I think it will be perfect. Do any of you recognize the line? ( It’s a moda line) I was originally thinking of using a bright colored print….but found this in my stash…perfection. You can buy the pattern here. I have quilting ideas…but I don’t know if I can translate them well with my fabric I am waiting to see what else comes to me. I am also in LOVE with this pattern ( the one called “Rome”) I am ordering it. I saw the quilt in the booth..was going to go back and buy the kit…and decided I wanted to use my own fabric choices.
I have also been on a little embroidery kick lately…so I go from very chic…..modern to primitive stitchery….It’s hard to like so many things. SO I bought these cute Christmas stitch patterns from Bird Brain Designs. I am pretty sure I could draft these myself…but I also like to support small business and fellow crafters. I do it all the time….cause I am a small business owner. I also bought these Crab Apple hill patterns and a kit…cause well I love them. I am almost done with a panel I have been stitching on for my “Over the river” quilt. I am so excited.
This is a kit for “Snow Days”…it’s adorable. Variegated thread for all the houses…and they had a sample in the booth. I am usually the gal who likes to buy her own selection of fabrics..and I don’t stick to a pattern …over half the time…but this time around I got sucked in…and I am ok with it. Cause they are just so beautiful…..well I couldn’t resist.
I also bought some spray to use…you can age your projects without using a tea bath…pretty fabulous! I have tons of travel time ..while going to Haiti…so I am going to bring some stitching work with me. It will be another reminder of the trip.
OOOOOH Pretty! Love the fabric you have picked out for the Eiffel tower. Hope you finish it in time for the show because I can’t wait to see. Is the tower fusible applique?
The price stamped on that one says $134!!!!???? Do you have any idea how much BACON that can buy!!!!????
She could have bought approximately 27lb of bacon and from what I hear that would have lasted you about 3 weeks, if you let the kids have any it would last one week. The aromatic yummyness would waift in your kitchen for about an hour. The quilt will bring enjoyment for the rest of your lives! The sounder investment is definitely in the quilt kit. haha