Mod Bubbles & Practice

Categories: All-Over Designs, Loricle Boards/circle lordBy Published On: April 3, 201221.3 min read462 words4 Comments on Mod Bubbles & Practice

Well a few weeks ago Virginia came over to use my long arm to quilt this quilt. I had ordered the Bubbles template from loricles. I thought it would look perfect on her Modern quilt. They call this template bubbles..but bubbles are kind of random..and these bubbles aren’ I call them Mod Bubbles..because they just look very modern and graphic. That’s why I really liked them.

I had not used the board yet and Virginia  had never used a template to quilt before..there is such a  learning curve to it all and many variables to get it all lined up right.

I have done the Baptist fans many times..and that one is pretty forgiving..I think. I have this really cute baby quilt that I think the Mod Bubbles would look good I thought I would put on a small scrappy quilt to test out the template board. Thank Goodness for all the scrappy quilts I have been getting back right? Harmony made this one for me…and it was perfect size…I have actually been wanting to quilt it anyway because I want to use it on my table as an everyday runner. It’s interesting to look at ( the kids will love it)  ..and the  perfect size.


  See why the scrappy trade game is such a great deal for a long arm quilter?

I was gifted tons of juvenile yardage by an ex-quilter. ( I know it doesn’t seem possible to be an ex-quilter right?) I gave tons of stuff away..but kept the yardage that was on bolts…specifically for these scraps quilts and donation quilts. So I used a bit on the back for this quilt..totally not my style..but perfectly fine for the back of a table runner. We need to use what we have right?

Well I think I will need to get batter at using this template before I use it on a customer quilt….circles are really difficult anyway..template or not..I think I got the hang of it in the end… but it’s quite the steady hand and concentration. It will come….so in order to keep myself from practicing Mod Bubbles on all my scrap quilts I think I will offer a GIVEAWAY!!

So if you have a quilt that you think will look good with mod-bubbles and you can let the wobbles and flubs go ( because it will be a way for me to practice)….leave a comment and I will pick a name on on Friday!

I tried to get close ups of all my flubs..there were actually two circles that overlapped too..because I had moved my board without realizing it…UGH! LOL. Live and Learn.


The back.

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  1. Annette April 3, 2012 at 6:39 pm - Reply

    see how i keep a lookout..ha ha ha….i have a 4-patch and i know the circles would work….it`s double…plz consider me…..i know i know….must give others a chance…but i will always try..ha ha ha….

    • Charisma Horton April 3, 2012 at 7:35 pm - Reply

      Of course I will consider you! You are in the drawing..maybe you will be the only one?? LOL Then it will be a for sure deal!

  2. Annette April 3, 2012 at 7:41 pm - Reply

    Ha ha ha….kewl…see the early bird does catch the worm!!! he he he!!!

  3. Carol Amos April 4, 2012 at 7:57 am - Reply

    Oh I would so love to be considered for the bubbles. I have a scrappy quilt that is queen size that I just can’t face quilting right now. It is made with 2″ strips and has a star in the middle of each 19″ block.

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