Memorial Day 2012
I’m a little late. But Happy Memorial day.
I want to thank all the families that serve our country. ServiceWomen & Men and their families that sacrifice for my family and our country.
My husband served a term in the air force…and I am convinvced he would still be in the military had life not taken a different turn for him…but that’s a story for another day. I have to say he is proud to be a part of that brotherhood…and we will always support military.
My grandfather served in the Airforce as well..he is no longer with us. RIP.
We don’t actually have a routine way we celebrate Memorial day….no traditions. We did go camping a few times..but Rob and I both tolerate that less and less…I don’t sleep but a few hours.. when we do sleep..well it’s never comfortable. So we gave up camping years ago. We spent a few years going to Rimrock..but dealing with other campers getting drunk and what not has now kept us from suffering with having to deal with drunk people we don’t even know..That’s worse than dealing with drunks you do know.
Friday night …Rob and I had membership classes at the church. I think it’s kind of weird that I have to have a class to become a member of a church. (Rob is technically already a member…he attended that church years ago). But It was interesting to study all the laws of the Nazarenes…and see why they believe what they believe. I had a few hard questions……but in the end we accepted membership. I think that there is no “religion” or “Church” I will agree with 100%. I feel it’s really about my relationship with Jesus. Period. But I do believe we need to find a comfortable place to worship …and become part of God’s family & a church family. If they want an outward commitment from me….than I can provide that. I feel God planted us there.
So this weekend we just kind of did something different. We went to Silverwood on Saturday. Service men (along with police & firefighters) got in free and their families got in for half price. very nice. We actually had free tickets….for most of us. Rob took the kids to Scarywood last fall and they give out promo tickets for May, cause it’s the slow month. So even better.
We had a day of family fun. Rob and I left our phones in the car for about 6 hours..I actually didn’t miss them except when we had lost eachother a few times..and we couldn’t just pull out our handy phones and ask the question “Where are you?” We had to do the old fashioned way of going back to where we started after looking for eachother. Weird. But I have to say it was a great way to get plugged in and spend time with my family..we LOVE theme parks…and we needed that time. Although I have to say..I have always been able to go on all the rides…and I struggled this time…I went on a wooden roller coaster and my neck and back about I declined to go on any others….that was a first. I think I need to figure out what happened. But we laughed, played, joked…quality family time..cause we also had 5 hours in the car…. driving to and from. Lots of time to talk and share. Some of my favorite memories I think are in the car…. cause we all talk.
Sunday was a church day….the message was really good. Then I relaxed all day. I played Ipad games. I have never been one to play games..honestly. I don’t like video games. But I think I needed a day of sitting, grieving, ignoring…..relaxing. I kind of wished I enjoyed a good book..or that I watched a good movie or something…but it is what it is. The kids were all making fun of me..because I always take away their games and tell them they are addicted. Now I get it..THEY are ADDICTED! LOL
Sunday Sermon was Really fabulous. Our pastor has been preaching on pretty heavy stuff. He has been preaching long as many things to chew and digest. I know I have not been good about posting lately…so I am going to start again. But between Friday night and Sunday Sermon…I have decided I am going to be baptized in the water.
I don’t believe I have ever actually been baptized. I know my Bio-mom didn’t ever get me baptized…..the only way I could have been baptized would have been as a teen….when I did a catechism classes…..and I think that was just a ceremony for communion. I wasn’t actually baptized. If I was, then I think I didn’t understand…and I was never asked if I wanted to be baptized. So it has become something that I want to do. However, I just want it to be with my family and close friends. I am not sure why…I just want it to be special with my people. So I asked our Pastor if he could do that and he said “yes”. So I am going to be baptized. I have to say I was a bit embarrassed because I feel like I have already been ministering…I really do believe that I have salvation…and that the spirit lives in me. Baptism is an outward confession of faith. But the sermon was about Jesus’ baptism. Jesus was sinless. Jesus is God. Yet he was still baptized..for a few of them was that he could identify with us. But after he was baptized God spoke…..God said “this is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased”
God was putting his stamp of approval on Jesus and his ministry.
I am in no comparison to Jesus. If Jesus was baptized…He didn’t have to become pure. His Sins weren’t washed away. ..well then I should be baptized. I want to be baptized. It is never to late..that is a great thing about God. He never fails..he always waits for my feeble mind to come around….and I am ready to take that commitment as well. I want my sins to be washed away. This is indeed a great Memorial day weekend.
Yesterday….I finished a few quilts…we cleaned the house a bit..I made homemade bread…and ran some errands. At about 1:00 I got a text from Victoria ( our Pastor’s wife) She asked if we wanted to come over for a BBQ. I didn’t know who all was going….and I asked if she wanted all 10 of us ( Cause I had 2 Geunther Kids with me). she said yes..everyone. Then I asked what she needed me to bring. She said on Nothing….
well You know I get a bit paranoid about going to dinner at someone’s house that has never had us over before..because I have lots of people in my family anyway…and I have 5 kids that eat a TON of food…Clarissa eats like a bird. But My teen age boys could wipe out a buffet. You know? So I wasn’t going to accept that answer. We have actually been to dinner at someone’s house..where I have had to tell my kids…”just eat a snack..and I will feed you at home” So they wouldn’t be rude..and eat everything in sight. LOL My boys are so active…they eat lots but they are stick thin….so they burn it really fast. So I started surfing the cupboards to make stuff to take to the BBQ> I made Pasta salad, BBQ beans, pineapple upside down cake and fruit salad. It was almost all had all been eaten…and got rave reviews. There were several families from the church there..we all laughed and had a grand time. We even played a little “Apples to Apples” ..we had many laughs with that game.
I have to say I am ever so Thankful. Honestly….all the traditions I want/like/create with my family….all the things I lack within my own biological family. God always provides. He fills that void. I was sitting with a group of Christians…God’s family having a great time on Memorial day. Good God Time. Blessed Time. Wholesome time. I just cry thinking about all of it. How far I have come….(clearly not by myself) and how I can always appreciate the small things like playing board games at a BBQ. I love that…..
I hope you all have a blessed week!~