Kansas City Quilt Market Spring 2012

Categories: UncategorizedBy Published On: February 14, 201225.5 min read561 words1 Comment on Kansas City Quilt Market Spring 2012

I am going to be in Kansas City, MO for the Spring QUILT MARKET!!! YAY!

This is going to be my first time at market. Although I have been invited to go for many years with my LQS..and I am just dying to go….They always go in fall to the Houston,TX Show…..I hear that is the best show….However it just happens to always fall on Halloween weekend and while my kids are still young…I just can’t leave. So when I worked at the shop I would have to stay behind and man the shop while the ladies were having fun adventures in quilt market..this last year I was home quilting..per usual. The gals always feel sorry for me and bring me nice gifts..sure that’s nice and all..but clearly not the same..and my DEAR friend Donna even forgot to get my gifts..and bought me gifts from the airport….It’s all about the thought ( and I don’t have expectations of gifts..honestly) ..and I actually LOVE the bracelett she got me..it’s my FAVORITE bracelett. I always get compliments on it when I wear it..it’s flashy, big and PINK!! But then I get to hear of all their adventures..wishing that I was with them..while I fight with my kids about their costumes..what is appropriate..not appropriate…how much I am willing to spend…on something they will wear once..and I most likely will hate…WHy don’t I go to Houston again?..Oh yeah cause time with family is more important. Then I trek what feels like 40 miles with a  bunch of whining kids who complain about it being cold…Then they get all hopped up and sugar..won’t eat dinner and fight over who got more candy….It’s usually Clarissa because she is the youngest and always wears the cutest costumes…not the scary ones I hate. Apparently everyone else agrees with me. But it’s family time..and for some reason I like to subject myself to that every year.

So I decided I need inspiration..I want to go to quilt market..I LOVE Spring Colors….I should really go to Spring Market. So I enlisted a partner…DARBY!! Yay! She is meeting me there. Then I asked for tickets to the show…cause you have to go with a shop..and Cindi the owner of my LQS said “Oh sure” ..then she decided it would work out for her to go too…and Brianna and my Dear friend Donna….So I called my Brother (who works in a hotel in Seattle and his BF is a Manager at the same Hotel) who is getting us a fabulous room in Kansas City, MO….I am so EXCITED! So the gals are skipping Houston this year..all because I asked to go…WOW! How special am I? ( it was really nothing about me..I just said that cause it was funny)

So if any of you are in that area I would love to get together …..I don’t sleep much so even after I spend all day at the market I will be willing to see some sights in town….after the show ends each night….I can’t go to a  new city and not see some local sights…right? Market is May 18-20.



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One Comment

  1. Michael Holmes February 14, 2012 at 6:46 am - Reply

    Oooo shoot! Shoot that market is shop owners only, cause I would have driven the 4 hours to MEET you in person! :)

    Ohh well I might have to sneak away next time I’m visiting my in-laws in Coupeville to see your LQS and take you out to lunch!

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