Jeri’s Junior Prom
Oh It’s the end of her Junior year…and it’s Prom tonight. Nothing worked out the way she wanted it to….but that happens in almost every big or small event in our lives doesn’t it? We have to expect the unexpected. I always have my reservations about these big events ..but I have to say now that she is gone for the dance..I think it all worked out. She scares me with her decisions..and choices. But tonight seems good. Isn’t she beautiful?! It’s hard to believe I have a child this old already. She has grown up so lovely.
These girls have been her lifelong friends…when you go to school in Ephrata…you go to school with everyone pretty much the whole time( well I guess from 5th grade on) But she has been going to school with these girls her whole life..they have been through all many stages…gossip, hormones, she said this..or that…the I hate you today you tomorrow that girls put eachother through. This is the core group.
They fixed eachothers hair….Then I had the privledge to put make-up on Jeri & Kimmie. I don’t do hair well )( I mean I get by with that…but they enjoy it more than I do) …but Make-up is kind of my thing…so I love to do that! I couldn’t believe they wanted me to do it…LOL. So of course I would.
She is gone now…not without giving me a big hug good-bye and telling me she loved me…I love that about her. So only a few short hours until I get to hear about everything…..Only a few 12 short months until her senior prom and I will be crying because it will be her last dance.
Why is it that I always have to think in the future? Why can’t I just live for the now? It’s a girl thing!