Courtney’s Calendars
One of my besties, Courtney made these.
Courtney is actually why I am here…..You know those little events in your life that bring you to where you are?
So Courtney and I have been friends since high school….We weren’t besties back then….she had a different bestie ( that we don’t speak to now..for many reasons) and then when she got married to her high school sweetheart we became really good friends…in the 1997-1998 era…..all of our other friends were partying…..and doing things we were not interested in..Courtney and I were crafting. Yep! Crafting..craft booths even.
Then I had my Second Son Cole…and I decided to sell Home interiors…I couldn’t afford his Courtney hosted a party for me to pay for his little surgery. ( isn’t this funny?) So then I did the party..I was nervous as all get out. I think people ordered cause they felt sorry for me. Actually, I think most of her orders came from passing out catalogs at work. So when her order came in..I went to her work to make deliveries. All wrapped in tissue paper in special baggies and gifts. …as all good Home Interior ladies do. While making my deliveries Courtney’s boss came out…started talking to me..she thought I was so nice and wondered if I needed a job. LOL They had a part-time ( 20 hours a week) position, billing medical insurance. They would train me. SURE! ( anything to get out of Home Interiors right?) So this is what started my Medical billing career ( it didn’t take but a month to become full-time..then I begged for part-time again)….. I have to say though….on my very first day I was feeling sick. I coudn’t call in on my first day..that would have been really bad. As the boss was training me, I puked in her office. Yep! And I still made it through the probation period. ( nice info right? lol)
Well Courtney’s Mom, J ( I can’t ever spell her name right) also worked at the same clinic. Same floor, same building, just a different department. She is a quilter. All of her projects were so cute. She would work on them in her cubicle and at lunch. …and so the love of quilting was born. Actually the love of embroidery..then quilting. Love you Gals! You have to give credit to where credit is due right? I always say I didn’t have a grandmother or mom that taught me to sew as a kid…..But J..helped me out!
After a few embroidery projects I had asked Landon’s Grandma, who was also a huge influence on my life, if she had or could find me an inexpensive sewing machine. She had just bought a new one..and gave me the one she received for her wedding..back in the 40’s?? A Riccar in a desk. I sewed on that for years..I still have it…and love it. Especially because it came from her. So there ya go!
Anyway…Courtney likes handwork more than sewing, she is finally coming around..I don’t know what took her so long? LOL
She made these little calendar quilts…there is one for each month..I own this set of patterns and I haven’t even looked at them..They are by Kim can find them Here .
I used two layers of batting to help Pop them …Courtney isn’t picky so I can do whatever I want :)
Thanks Court! Love you!
( Courtney hates being called Court..but I have special I Can…LOL)