Catching Up…..
Hi everyone, So sorry it has taken me so long to update this space. I have been crazy busy with lots of things…personal and business.
I have been better about keeping everyone up-to-date on my personal FB page. I have been doing live streams on Friday nights if anyone would like to join. :)
I went to Spring Market in Portland. It was fun. I was able to see many friends and catch up. I also met many new friends. Eat some great food and visit. There are so many nice fabric lines and patterns coming out.
I wrote about QUILTCON a few months ago and shared how I was inspired to make several religious themed quilts to enter into the show. I have been sketching, designing and dreaming. I have decided to make a line of patterns. religious and otherwise.
So due to the fact that I quilt for several designers ect. I had the opportunity to follow a pattern designer around Market just to see what she does. How she submits ideas to catalogs, fabric companies ect. It was fun, insightful and educational.
I also spent a few days after market was over learning some more info about adobe products.
I think the blessings in my life are just amazing!! Honestly, when I think back in my life about how God has placed all of these people in my path at all the right times…and they are willing to help me with whatever I need…It’s awe inspiring. So the poor gal was stuck in a hotel with me for 2-3 days and I was sick..I caught some terrible cold. I wasn’t on death’s door or anything. But I was hacking, blowing my nose and spreading my germs every where as there was no lysol in sight. So she stuck it out with me. When I got home I was tired and sick….I spent a day just designing quilting on the computer because I didn’t feel like I could really do anything. So I might as well make myself useful.
So I decided late that night to look to see what kind of submissions the modern magazines are looking for. I had one design that fit the criteria. It wasn’t my favorite design …but my most favorite design ( Clarissa loves it too!) will have to be paper pieced with several sized blocks. So they can’t get all of those pieces in a magazine. Anyway, I thought I would send it in on a whim. What’s it hurt to try? The next day I got a response to fill out a bunch more papers….It still may not be accepted but they are interested. YAHOO!! So it has given me confirmation that, I think, I may be on the right track.
I also quilt for another designer who hasn’t made it into the quilting industry yet…he designs and sews in another genre. He and I are going to set up a partnership and work together. I am not sure there could be more opposite people teaming together. He is a more traditional quilter, he doesn’t know “Quilting rules” so he breaks all sorts of boundaries and does his own thing. I am a more modern quilter and I know the rules. It doesn’t mean I always follow them …but I know them. He also hates any handwork…and I love hand stitching. So I think between the 2 of us we will be able to cover all of the bases, I think we compliment each other and we can use our differences to our advantage. I will be giving him a more formal introduction after we get everything together. But there are many adventures in my future. I am so excited about this.
I like the challenge of new things. I like learning new things even when they are a struggle. I like growing and changing. Pattern designing is already making me look at everything differently and I love that. It helps me appreciate all of these little things more..and take the time to look closer. I am finding inspiration in the smallest of ways. It’s amazing.
I think it is really difficult to take a leap like this because it feels vulnerable to put yourself out there. The designs I make are a reflection of me, my style ect. If they aren’t received well …what do you do? But I am taking that leap anyway. Not everyone has to like my work….only enough. God has provided for me thus far and he will continue to . He knows my heart’s desire.
What I am most excited about is that all of these roads may lead to my home based business that will need another person working with me …I really want to make this a successful adventure so that my husband can work from home. He can certainly computer quilt, print patterns, manage packaging and shipping, paperwork ect. If all of those things are taken care of…I can still quilt and design, make my samples and quilt for my customers. This will actually be very good for me…because it will give me more free time. I dread paperwork and I am not that organized with it. Rob is way more organized at that part. So I am praying, working hard and putting my whole heart into all of this to make it a go. Rob deserves to give his body a break. He has sacrificed his back to support his family and he isn’t made of steel. So If I can make this a possibility for him….it makes my heart swell. Again, I am giving this to God. I am not in control. I just believe if you have a BIG dream, work hard and try…..blessings happen.
I have a cute Christmas quilt designed that I am going to sew up and introduce to all of you in August and start a sew along in September….it will be a free pattern. So just a heads up. It will be a way for me to test out my skills and have you all help me iron everything out…and find my style of writing and making diagrams ect.
I just want to thank you all for the support, love and work. This is just another addition to help me in several ways. I know it’s not going to be easy….but I really think it will be worth it..whether it works out or not. Its all about the life lessons.
I will be better about updating all of you on here….:) Have a blessed day!
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Hi Dear one, you sure a busy girl.
Keep up the good work. I’m excited to see a Christmas
Quilt come out in August I for one will be waiting to start .
Take Care love and hugs
You have been a busy
Anxious for the Christmas Quilt!