Catching Up
Hi Friends, I have been crazy busy. Crazy busier than usual.
I can’t even remember everything since the last time I posted.

So I will just go back and highlight a few things and share some progress about my journey. My journey in everything, Faith, longarming, Pattern designing and whatever else.
At the beginning of this year my husband convinced me to try my hand at building a pattern business. I didn’t know what this year would bring. In fact I still don’t. It’s been difficult. LOL. There is no immediate gratification. No quick turn around and I have been burning the midnight oil.
I have made at least 100 samples this year. I have published 70+ patterns on my ETSY site. I have also been picked up in over 20 magazines. I have had 2 mini quilts picked up to be published in a book that is due to come out in Spring 2020. All while keeping up on my regular longarm work. My longarm work is paying my bills. :) So yes…please keep sending your quilts. I need them. LOL I also have another project in the works that I cannot yet discuss.
I am very excited to say that I have 6 quilts hanging at Quilt Market next week in Houston. ( I think it’s 6…it could be more…6 is what I can think of right now) They are in various booths. I know there is one hanging in Christa Watson’s booth I designed a quilt called “The Hive” with her line of fabric called Geo Pop.

It’s such a fun design. I actually designed this quilt back in May but I was waiting for the right time to make it and her line of fabric was so cute!
I also have a few quilts hanging in Brewer’s booth. They are my new distributor. YAY! I have been waiting to get picked up by a distributor and I feel so excited that they are hanging 2 of my quilts. Hopefully I will get lots of orders. :) They have Affection and Entwine.

I also have a new line of patterns coming out. 11 of them actually that will debut at market so I have several quilts in the booth: Off The Wall Quilts. They have several of my samples. I am so excited about this series. It’s called “Asymmetrical Hour” I have them listed in my Etsy Shop : Here
I will also feature one a day when market starts. I have to say I am exhausted. I designed those and then Julie from Off the Wall quilts decided she really liked them and wanted them for market….so I made 9 quilts from start to finish in less than 2 weeks. I also had a 3 day embroidery retreat and my daughter got married last weekend. So I took a few days off.
My First embroidery retreat was great fun. I had ladies from all over the Northwest. We had an amazing time stitching, eating and laughing. We counted all of the stitches and they had learned 25-26 stitches and worked on stitching combinations. They learned a lot of about thread weights and how the stitches can be changed with thread. All of the ladies gave me amazing feedback and I think it was such a great experience I am figuring out when we can do it again. :)

My oldest daughter got married last weekend. I am not sure what to really say…I am old. I have married children. it doesn’t seem possible. This is My husband, Rob dancing with her for the Father- Daughter dance. I know,I am completely bias….but he looks smashing in a tux. *swoon* I hope many happy years for my daughter and her groom.
So I actually do have another series of really cute quilts coming out soon…I had started it before Asymmetrical Hour……but had to set it aside to get market work done. So I will be releasing it soon. I am so excited about it….I just need to make one more quilt and photograph them.
Speaking of photography. I am really tired of it. LOL! Some of my quilts I have had to take out multiple times to get cover photos. I am running out of ideas. I am running out of patience with the wind and rain. lighting is a real issue and I really just want to be a quilt designer and maker, Yet, somehow photographer has become a title. I drive around with a step stool in my bug and a kit to hang quilts. Clips, different kinds of tape, thumb tacks and scissors ect. It’s a problem. I am pretty sure I have also trespassed on many occasions. But I was thinking today as I was driving around my favorite photography spot that the locals are probably getting used to seeing my bug by now and they don’t question the weird step stool and quilts?
I also listed a few more patterns in my shop since the last time I posted here:

Notice my amazing photography skills? LOL
I won’t say where but I am pretty sure I was trespassing on some of these.:)
I will make a post with the latest magazine publications. I think there are 3 or 4 since the last time I posted. :) So I will get some pics and info gathered to post here.
I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday. I have lots to accomplish. lots going on. :)
Congratulations on all of this very HAPPY news!! It’s a lot of very hard work. And happiness to the newly weds!