All Things New..Used and Pretty…..
Well yesterday had it’s good and bad part parts…I am only going to focus on the good. {mostly} Kind of sort of.
One is that I got a new camera….I need to buy lenses for it still….I bought it in mind of a specific photography class that I am going to take {one day} . I bought the camera in my price range. Well not really I bought the body…because I have old lenses that I can use for it ( from my 35 MM SLR days} until I can afford the lenses I need for the class. I also needed a new camera for my business…cause my old camera was junk. It was old..didn’t want to cooperate…Clarissa is so happy to have the old camera….but she was getting frustrated with Princess, the cat. Princess just wouldn’t cooperate and model for pictures..I think Clarissa chased her around for a good ten minutes before finally giving up. LOL She moved on to other things. She is so funny. Oh and I bought a new Amy purse….I would try to justify this to myself by was on sale….or that I really needed a new purse for my upcoming vacation…..but really i had extra money in my paypal account that I could spend…and I have wanted an AMy purse for a long time….so I splurged. It just seems like i have done a lot of that …{like all last week.)It’s pretty huge …so all that more gorgeous..honestly! LOL
I got lots of packages yesterday…Pretty exciting! {now we have a glimpse as to why I need to budget?} I actually do pretty well and not spending money..but then that itch comes along…right? I found a sale on fabric..not just any fabric..AMY Fabric….they both arrived yesterday. YAY! My new dining set was also delivered. YAHoo! We had dinner last night …and the kids were saying how great our new table is. The great part to was that we had a homemade meal….and I didn’t make Quilting Angel Sabrina did…Did I get the best “Secret” Sister or what? { I actually did two years in a row! LOL} She brought it over on Saturday…but we were so busy with everything we just ate the taco dip she brought us….then Sunday night we had a church BBQ…so last night we ate our Chicken enchiladas on our new dining set. It really was a perfect meal..on our new perfect table. The kids love her enchiladas better than mine…so I had to hear about that. LOL She is a fabulous chef…so that’s perfectly fine. { I wish I would have taken pictures of her meal now..darn it! }
My dogs are supposed to stay downstairs now..we bought new furniture for the upstairs {last November..but it took 3 months to arrive}..and I don’t want animals in the studio…{even though their hair travels}. It’s mainly Gracie our Mastiff…she is slobbery and sweet.. huge & lots of long hair everywhere…especially this time of year. Brodie our Yellow old….well behaved and calm in his old age. He will sneak up to my studio and just lay in the doorway to be near me….if I go downstairs to work on the computer, he lays at me feet. He just needs to see me and be close to me. It’s so sad because he is declining & we all notice it. Have any of you seen Marley & Me? We watched it one time..none of us will ever watch it again…cause Brodie was/is the same as that dog..they captured him perfectly. He was crazy when he was young…lol but now he is really the perfect family dog. As I was typing this he was sitting on his pillow and started having a seizure. All I could do was cry ..then I called the vet..then I called Rob. There is really nothing we can do except document it and maybe put him on medications of they keep up. But it really breaks my heart. I am glad the kids weren’t here to see it…but I know we don’t have much time with him left and it makes my heart hurt. I hate to see him suffer or be in pain. So I am glad I took these pictures last night while he was resting in the doorway of my studio.
now I must get back to work…..I hope you all have a blessed day>
C, your purse and fabric are great…Clarissa is beautiful and your new camera takes much better pics…good luck in your class and learning to be great at yet another hobby… Your dog has such a sweet face and I know it is painful to watch anything or anyone we love get old or be in pain…I watched Marley and Me with Julie and we were not aware of what the movie really was about so it was horrible because we both have older pets. Blessings my friend. T