A Few Mini’s Published!

Categories: BlogBy Published On: May 27, 20218.3 min read179 words1 Comment on A Few Mini’s Published!

I have had a few more mini’s published in a Leisure Arts book. Pretty AWESOME!!

Last year I submitted several projects and 2 were accepted for this book on mini quilts. Whoop! Whoop!

I had no idea when, where, how ect the project would end up. After the pandemic hit I think everything was put on hold and I just found out recently that this has been released, YAY!! It is a digital book now that you can purchase here

However, the company just told me that Hobby Lobby just picked up this book so it should be in stores soon. so great!!I remember the first time I walked into a hobby store and saw one of my projects in their stands. So amazing! It rarely happens…well to be honest I rarely get out. LOL.

Here are the 2 projects that I submitted:

These are fun little projects that are great to try new techniques and play with color. I hope you will check them out. Keep your eye out at Hobby Lobby!

Thanks for following along.



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One Comment

  1. Nancy May 27, 2021 at 5:44 am - Reply

    Congratulations girl! You are taking the quilt world by storm!

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