
Categories: BlogBy Published On: August 26, 201911.3 min read244 words1 Comment on Wings

I released another pattern. Wings.

For those of you who have been here awhile you will see that it has a few of my favorite things:


2. A quote ( usually inspirational)

3. Embroidery.

I have more ideas lined up with my embroidery ideas than I can count. I love the textures and the messages I can send.

The quote says “The reason birds can fly and we can’t is simply because they have perfect faith. For to have faith is to have wings.”

I believe this with my whole heart.

I wake up each morning with a purpose and a mission. I believe that I am on the right path.

I have a few things happening and I am also waiting to see if a few more things are going to happen. So I am asking all of you for prayers.

Also a few reminders:

It’s almost time for my Embroidery retreat I have a few openings if anyone is still interested. Just Email me Ch*******@ms*.com

One of my patterns made it into Annie’s Catalog:

Here is a link: Annie’s

That’s pretty awesome! Now if a few more of my patterns could make it into some catalogs and distributors…..( please Pray!)

Rob and I have a special project that we started working on several months ago….hopefully we can share with you soon. The final work is supposed to be done this week. :)

I hope you all have a wonderful week!



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One Comment

  1. Denny O'Connor August 26, 2019 at 3:42 pm

    Your doing so well I need to tackle my thread work on hand do series 3 of journals and bounce ..yippee busy hugs x

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