Wildlife & Flying Geese
Cathy has made three quilts..this is her third one..can you guess what her very first quilt was? A double wedding ring?! She is pretty ambitious isn’t she?
This quilt even has 3-D geese. I tried to quilt them down at her request and those things are just not content to be held down…LOL. This is a gift to her son and I was kind of stumped for a bit as to what to quilt. We went with an all over wood grain type of design but not over the geese…I went around those.
The focus fabric is difficult to see in the photos but it is a montage of animals and wildlife. It’s a beautiful piece of fabric …and the great thing about it is that it lists all the different types of animals in the selvage. I have never seen anything like that before…I thought that was interesting.
Thanks Cathy! Always a pleasure working with you!
Oh my goodness…