Bird Dance

Categories: Applique, Blog, Embroidery, samplers, woolBy Published On: January 20, 20188.6 min read178 wordsComments Off on Bird Dance

Bird Dance is pattern by Sue Spargo. ( I am actually working on this quilt..I am halfway through) . Mary brought this to me and I am so honored to quilt it because I know how much work each and every one of these birds is…and I am so envious that she is finished. LOL

Each bird is great with their own personality. They kind of talk to you while you are stitching them because they just come to life. So while I am quilting around them I see their environments come to life. I really wanted to keep this a little longer and stare at it…but I knew Mary wanted to see it more than I did. she was very happy with the quilt.

Every technique you can imagine is in the quilt. So many different embroidery stitches….and types of fabrics. It’s really something to feel.

She chose a very perfect backing. Kaffe Birds:

Thanks Mary for trusting me with your work…I enjoyed every moment!

Now those birds are ready for flight.



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