Leaving Today for MQX (west)
Pretty exciting!
I am packed (Finally)! My daughter, Jeri has the chore of washing laundry….she’s been behind for awhile. The boys were having a fight earlier this week in the morning over laundry cause we are all out. I have been asking her for 5 days to get laundry done because I need to pack. She didn’t even come close…UGH! She is 17 and the only one in the house who refuses to separate laundry. Even after I told her last week I would ground her if my white clothes came out yucky. Clearly she doesn’t care about that. So I am lucky to have packed what I have packed and a BIG THANK YOU to my friend Donna for sewing me three new fabulous aprons to wear ….so I can wear simple plain shirts under my aprons. Otherwise I would be in trouble.
I am really excited to see all the long arm tools and tricks in this type of show. It all geared towards machine quilting and it’s been a few years since I have been to a show like that…..and the last time I went I was really new to quilting. This time around I will have a better idea of my needs. :) ( I really need lots of thread actually!…Superior is calling my name!))
I am excited to meet new people and maybe meet some of my favorite quilters. They will be teaching and hopefully roaming so I can catch a glimpse…since I will be working.
I have the meal plan ready…..2 kids have been briefed…..Clarissa will most likely be making all the meals..except Cole volunteered for Friday…he doesn’t have football. It’s only three days but since I am the one who manages it all at home..I feel like I am abandoning them for three days and the well oiled machine will fail without me here. I know it won’t this routine has been happening. I think it’s because I have the impending mission trip…so I have been thinking ahead alot and preparing. I know it seems odd maybe. I could walk out my front door and get hit by a car and leave…but taking a long trip 1000’s of miles away makes me think of my mortality. I always write letters when I leave on a trip like that…and the words have been formulating. Just in case. Weird? Or is it a mom thing?
Anyway this is a fun trip..closer to home and I made it just a few weeks ago..doesn’t seem scary at all.:)
If any of you are going please stop by my booth and say hi! There is a big banner with my name on it…and a chubby girl working the booth….that’s me.
Love ya
It’s a Mom thing….I am 67 and my daughter ia 42 and I still worry about her. I carry her in my heart 24/7 LOL Enjoy your trip and bring back lots of stories and pictures!!