This Week…and the Sermon
Well the weather hasn’t exactly been nice…which always takes a bit of the spring out of your step…but makes you want to relax a bit more right?
I hardly ever relax..but hey! It’s an affliction of mine.
So Monday night..I am working along and decide to get this projector that I bought running….I bought one on shipping and all. It got here. Wasn’t working. So I bought light bulbs..after checking all stores in town (2) I had to order them online as well. So then I plugged in new light bulbs..still wasn’t working. I was ticked off. Then I saw this little lever at the bottom of the machine and decided to pull it..ugh! it blew a breaker…the breaker that both of my machines, Tv, heater and everything else that is in my studio. I went to breaker box….to fix. None of them worked. I was stumped at this point. So I woke up Rob. He was less than happy that I woke him up. A nice kind wife would have let him sleep..but the thought of not working in my studio until he got home yesterday would have killed me. So he fixed everything temporarily and plugged in extension cords for outlets that did work. He had to crawl into the attic yesterday ..A wire went bad and burned itself out…..YIKES! God is so great our house didn’t catch fire! So Rob fixed everything and I am back to normal working conditions.
I did manage to get lots of work done..I will post today. The kids are working in the yard! Jeri and Carl came home last night…YAY!
Tomorrow is Jeri’s 17th Birthday..YAHOO! One year until she’s 18 hardly believable. I can’t believe I have any kids that old…but here we are.
The sermon last Sunday was really good. I was a sobbing mess. I make Rob uncomfortable when I get like that I think. He doesn’t know what to do or something. It’s my own process. But the message was about our expectations of Christ. The pastor was explaining why Jesus was crucified. Even though Jesus fulfilled over half of the prophesies…and he had the proper bloodline..the Jewish leaders crucified him and didn’t believe he was the messiah because he didn’t meet their expectations. At one point during the sermon he asked us( the congregation) Do you have expectations of Jesus? Would you have crucified him? It was dead silent..I was trying to hold back my tears..( it didn’t work). They expected Jesus to come in as a warrior and fight for them….to be a huge leader and use power. Instead Jesus used Love. LOVE is the most powerful weapon..isn’t it? They didn’t recognize that. Jesus didn’t do as they “expected” him to do…and they didn’t recognize it. How many times do we do that to ourselves and people around us? as he went on..more sobs from Charisma..LOL. Don’t I always say “Expect the unexpected”
So Jesus was crucified not only to fulfill the prophecy..but also because of our expectations.This kills me…because I never looked at it that way. What an eye opening view. I am beginning to hate expectations..LOL. We are supposed to live by the promises Jesus gave us.
He will always be with us..even if we think he is not there he is….That is the beautiful thing about the footsteps poem isn’t it? He promised to love us and care for us and not forsake us. He also promised he would be back again..and he will fulfill the rest of prophecy. I hang on to that promise. I don’t know about you….but I can surely tell you that he has been with me..he takes care of me and he has not forsaken me…and I surely don’t feel worthy…..because I have put expectations on God/Jesus. As I get older I pray all the time for God to just immediately let me know when I have sinned I can recognize it and change it….this is one of those times…unmet expectations really cause havoc on the soul don’t they? Expectations ruin all sorts of relationships…so we have to let them go….and only “Expect the unexpected”….We also know as Jesus is our best example of human life that “Love” is powerful and the best resource. God is Love. Jesus is Love. You can interchange those two names with the word :LOVE at anytime and it will apply..won’t it?
Good Friday is approaching and I honestly have to say I don’t think of it as “Good” on the surface…but it is Good…he did that for me…and all of there lies our Worth. We are worthy because of him. Be blessed and LOVE. It’s so important.