Things are Stacking Up & a Sale

Categories: BlogBy Published On: January 23, 202135.9 min read789 words7 Comments on Things are Stacking Up & a Sale

Hi Everybody,

This first section is about a sale I am offering until the end of the month…. The second part is personal. So if you are not interested in my personal stuff..please bypass. It’s a difficult subject.

This is Stacked. I love this quilt and I kind of forget about it because I made it early on in my design business. But I have kits available for this now and it’s listed in my Etsy Shop. I have the patterns and kits discounted for this no code needed. Just visit my shop, HERE. 

So things have been stacking up in my world.


How are things? I have had some rough days. I shared on my social media pages last week that my father has died. This has been a trying time for most of us. I know this. I think it’s getting to all of us. Especially those of us who are still on lock down. We are almost up to  year of being on lock down. No funerals. No gatherings. No church. ect. It’s incredibly sad how all of this is stacking up.

Covid restrictions are a contributing factor to the death of my father. He was a mentally ill. He was Schizophrenic. He was diagnosed after my mother got pregnant with me. I have only known him with this condition. I could go on and on about so many things. But I will say that I am angry that our system is already broken….and Covid made it worse. My dad has a social worker that he had been seeing for YEARS on the same day every month at the same time. They like structure. This social worker knew when my dad needed a med adjustment. She could also talk to him about making sure he took his meds when he felt like he didn’t need them. That is an ongoing issue with his illness. They feel good and think they no longer needs the meds. Then she would hand him his prescription. He would then take the bus to the pharmacy and get his meds. It was a routine and part of the process. She also helped him keep his paperwork up to date and help him with any ongoing issues. She was CRITICAL to his success.

Some STUPID politician decided to shut that down due to Corona. They shipped him his meds and had a random person call him once a month to check in. He is not going to talk to them. You just took him out of his routine. He quit taking his meds. Every month he progressively got worse. I visited him in October and it was awful. I knew that I would never see him again. He was completely off his rocker and unhinged. It was scary. He is not normally scary. It got to the point where he couldn’t talk on the phone. Until we got the call stating he was found dead in a sleeping bag on the city streets.

I am sharing this because it’s a REAL issue. MANY people struggle with mental illness and it is horrifying how they are treated. Why is this acceptable? People with cancer aren’t abandoned ….but the mentally ill are somehow made out to be less than.

I have my own feelings about him, us, our story…and I am heartbroken for all that was, was not and can never be. I went home and took care of the details. I picked up his belongings from the medical examiner. It all fit into a ziploc bag that had a biohazard sticker slapped on it. That is all. It’s tragic.

On top of that my mother in law has stage 4 colon cancer. So we have been going back and forth to my hometown to help care for her and keep her on track for treatments. My husband is her only child. I think this is just a difficult time in every aspect of our lives. All of the regular stressors in life seem a little more magnified. I would love prayers, good vibes and energy. Whatever it is that you believe. Send them my way…they are appreciated.

I took a bit of time off because when you are so stressed it easy to make mistakes. How do I know that? YUP! Experience.

So I am picking up what pieces I can. Taking it day by day and just trying to immerse myself in work. It seems to be a good place to place my focus when everything else is falling apart. I hope you all are doing ok. If you aren’t …let me know and I will pray for you as well.

Many Blessings






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  1. Barbara January 23, 2021 at 1:51 am - Reply

    I will pray for you and your family as you suffer thru these heartaches. I had no idea a scenario as you described could happen to the mentally ill during these COVID related restrictions. Thank you for sharing and bringing this problem to light. Also praying for a change in the system of care for the mentally ill.

  2. Gay Weigand January 23, 2021 at 7:19 am - Reply


  3. Lynda January 23, 2021 at 7:36 am - Reply

    Thinking of you and Rob and your entire family. Your dad’s circumstances were heartbreaking; I can’t imagine all the ways that his life and his loss have affected you. I’ll keep a good thought for you as you work your way through this time of your life.

  4. Karin January 23, 2021 at 9:30 am - Reply

    Sending prayers for healing, peace and comfort. I feel your pain and frustration. There are a lot of medical struggles going on, but mental illness still has a stigmata, so, naturally, it will be one of the first to take a back seat. It’s a shame, but take comfort in knowing that he is now at peace with the demons and no longer has to fight so hard just to survive.

  5. JoEllen Wollman January 23, 2021 at 1:38 pm - Reply

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Charisma. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  6. Jan Honsey January 23, 2021 at 2:15 pm - Reply

    So sorry to hear all you and your family are going through. Life is hard, but God never gives us more than we can handle, especially if we ask for his help. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Blessings.

  7. Allison Reid January 25, 2021 at 3:14 am - Reply

    So sorry you had to see your Dad deteriorate to an untimely death. I wonder when mental illnesses will be recognised as life threatening conditions requiring the very best of care and support?
    I hope that you find comfort and peace through your creative endeavours and the presence of loving family and friends.

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