Our Old Suburban……is going to a new home

Categories: UncategorizedBy Published On: August 9, 201226.4 min read572 words0 Comments on Our Old Suburban……is going to a new home

Well we finally decided it was time. I got rid of our tent trailer…..we were gifted a great tent trailer by another Christian family when our kids were little and Rob didn’t work harvest. We got good use out of it..especially when they kids were little we all fit in there..now that they are bigger. Nope. So we gifted it to the church to use. I am sure they will get way more use out of it…and it needs to be used and loved. It’s been sitting here for a few years without use.

Then I finally gave the go ahead to sell our old Suburban…it’s so beat up and loved. It was our main car for so many years. It was the first nice car we had that our whole family could fit into…and it took us on countless vacations….Seattle to many times to count, Northern idaho to many times to count, Disneyland twice, San Fransisco, Oregon coast a couple times…..and it’s been the place of so many memories…..everyday blessings. I love that car. But  she is running rough…the last year that we have had our New (used) suburban..she hasn’t been driven hardly at all. So with all the cars the kids are going to start getting and Rob’s mustang…we need to thin out some things in our yard. We need to buy a pick up to take to the dump and sell our old dump trailer..Rob hates it and it was also given to us…so we just use what we have. I worry about a pick up because if it breaks down…then we have no way to haul stuff..but I guess he’s pretty handy…so we will just get one. I don’t know why I get so attached to “things” but this car was so faithful to me/us. It’s hard to imagine her not being a part of the family.This dent was put in the door because  I took the kids camping by myself…Rob taught the boys how to load the trailer and get everything hitched up. We had done this several times without a problem. Then one trip to Rim Rock I was driving home..and all of a sudden it came off and hit the door. Darn! memories. The door worked fine..so we never repaired it. Hard to see but there are a bunch of scratches on the hood…where I swerved to miss a deer on highway….. Rob saved us from rolling the Suburban at the last minute…and I went through a barb wire fence into a field. The deer survived..and thankfully none of us were injured either. So many miles of adventures..and family time.


I just thought I would share a few bumper stickers on my new(used) suburban….I am not really a bumper sticker kind of a girl. Usually. But I saw these and decided I would become a bumper sticker girl….. but not anymore than these….and I get so much interest in these..it’s kind of funny.  I know we all are Jesus’ favorites..no worries!So I had to put this one to make sure people knew That I know Jesus Loves us all!

Anyway…I have some more quilts to share..I just need to get some more work done….Blessings






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