I Need a Little Help from my Friends.

Categories: BlogBy Published On: January 25, 201926.1 min read575 words4 Comments on I Need a Little Help from my Friends.

So I am trying to get my pattern business up & going. I have a working plan. I thought I would share it with all of you. I have learned along the way that if I reach out many people are willing to help.

As many of you know my husband and I are trying to figure out “Plan B” because he has worked hard his whole life to support our large family and his body is giving out. I am trying to build up our small business so he can stay home. So I have been working on this plan. I have been designing & creating feverishly.

I am being published in several magazines this year. I also have been asked to do a special project for a company in summer..I can’t wait to share this! So I am kicking off this year with a great start! I will publishing those magazine patterns on my own after my contract is fulfilled with the magazine. So those are all works being worked on.

I am also developing a line of Christian based patterns. I know these aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. It’s a niche market. But I have to create designs that speak to me and my heart. I have to be true to myself. I love this work. Heart work.

I also developing a line of wool applique/hand embroidery patterns. I LOVE-LOVE this work! But it is also a niche market because the embroidery is more advanced compared to other wool embroidery projects. My work is also not the traditional “primitive” works. So once again it’s different. I have to own that and create what comes from me and my heart. If you look at all of my personal works & art. You will see a fusion of traditional and modern styles. You will see a fusion of textiles and textures. It’s what appeals to me.

I just have to hope and pray it appeals to enough people that I can make a business from this.

So I am working on 3 prongs of this pattern business at the same time while longarm quilting for all of you. Please don’t think I will give up quilting. Quilting is in my soul. I love it.

So here is where you come into play. I am hoping that some of you can do some “work” for me. I have a few requests:

  1. Pray for me. Send me good vibes & energy. Whatever you believe.
  2. If you have supported me by purchasing a pattern please send me any insight as to how I can improv my patterns. I am new and open to suggestions.
  3. Please share your works with me. If you make one of my designs. I would love to share it on my pages & social media. I would also love it if you could share my work if it inspires you in any way.
  4. I am releasing 2 more patterns within the next week. I have an order form and a hand out for my patterns. I am wondering if any of you will be a “representative” for me. If I give you a free pattern– Will you take my flyer and order form to your local fabric shop and ask if they would be willing to carry my patterns? If so please drop me an email: Ch*******@ms*.com

Thank you so much for your love & support! I really appreciate it.


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  1. Joyce Ross January 25, 2019 at 1:41 pm

    Got your back, dear. You are very talented and kind and deserve good things always!

  2. Pat January 25, 2019 at 11:20 pm

    So excited for you. Will be following closely. Perhaps I need to track down one of your patterns. It may be just the thing to reignite my quilting fire

  3. Lynda DeTray January 26, 2019 at 12:41 pm

    I’d be happy to help! We have a fairly new quilt shop nearby, and I will definitely go in with the order form and flyer. I like the patterns you’ve released so far and see no reason why you shouldn’t have success with them. I’m happy to put a little banner on my blog as well. It is not the most active blog (it’s pitiful) but I know having links to your site on sites on the same subject can boost your search engine listings. Drop me an email and we can get going!

    • Charisma Horton January 30, 2019 at 12:08 am

      Thank You I will email you with some details. :)

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