Break Thru

Categories: BlogBy Published On: October 27, 201914.2 min read307 words0 Comments on Break Thru

This is Break Thru. I had originally debated on adding in this design. When I designed it, I kind of felt it seemed more like a statement piece. I wasn’t sure if it would be received well. So I put it out into one of my groups and simply asked what they felt.

I knew I really loved it….but I wasn’t sure. In the group it got mixed reviews. But to my modern quilter friends they really liked it. So I included it in the series. What was funny about that is that when I made it and finished quilting it-> my 16 year old daughter saw it and she RARELY comments on any quilts. Not because she is overly critical or anything but because she sees so many that they don’t catch her eye. This one caught her eye and she really loved it.

So I took this quilt out a few times to get pictures as well. One of the photo shoots turned out to be my absolute favorite photo shoot ever!

So this chipped-shabby-chic looking door…..I am not sure I should share what it actually is…..LOL! But exactly a mile from my house is this little pump house or shed that is connected to our local jail. I love the photos on this door.

I am thinking that you may be seeing this door more often…which means I will be visiting the jail more often. LOL Only for photos….not mug shots…just photos.

Hopefully, nobody in jail will be breaking thru….LOL. But I honestly do hope that anything that we are needing to break thru that we will conquer and meet our goals. I know I am really trying to break thru and figure out this pattern business.

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!



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