Universal Postage

Categories: BlogBy Published On: September 16, 20249.7 min read208 words0 Comments on Universal Postage

Universal Postage is a beautiful design created by Heather over at Quiltachusetts.

Heather is a master at curved piecing. She is a fabulous modern designer. I love her work and style. I was so honored that she was willing to design a quilt using my Live Boldly basics for Timeless Treasures.

After she made the quilt I was able to talk her into coming to The Little Pink Barn and filming some tutorials with me. I was so glad that I did because I learned so much from her about curved piecing.

She really had a lot of great information. I posted a 2 part series for the Universal Postage quilt on Friday and Saturday of our time spent together.

You can find those videos HERE.

And the second video is HERE.

Heather was generous to give me some patterns to give away. YAHOO! So if you leave a comment on the YouTube Videos you will have a chance of winning a pattern. :)

It’s been really interesting to learn how other people approach different techniques. I am learning just as much as all of you. I hope you all will share some love with my fellow designer. Check out her site. She has so many AMAZING designs!



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